One year great-grandma sent my boys this gift.
I was touched by how thoughtful this gift was. (Grandma's are wonderful, GREAT-grandma's are inspired!) This was before I ever thought about book clubs for my boys. This probably was the first seed planted in my mind-- the importance of helping children connect to books and stories by adding a "hands on" element.
When my boys were little- they wanted toys! Things to extend their imagination. Now they want "toys"- that require no imagination, thought or effort. (Smart phones and Play Station games etc..)
When I heard my sons talk about their Christmas wish lists, I was getting depressed a little. But I am always up for a challenge. So I challenged myself to "think outside the (x)box" this year for Christmas.
I want to inspire my boys again- to use their brains and their imagination! lol
So I set the hook and bait......
Yesterday I brought home a simple electricity kit. ($20) (I thought it would be great for our family and also to use in my Kindergarten Prep.)
After spending the day with this kit, my 14 year old and 16 year old said, "Okay- where's next step up kit? The ones for teenagers??"
They took the bait!
I know my kids, YOUR kids are interested in so much MORE than video games, cell phones, social media.
They want and crave REAL experiences. Hands on learning- things that will build their confidence and inspire their minds.
So take the challenge this season. I am sure your kids already have plenty of access to computer games and media. Think outside the (x)box.
Come back and visit often, I will be posting great toys, games, and activities that will inspire.
Feel free to click on images in my posts of books and toys- they will link you to the actual sites where you can purchase them. I am an affiliate with, I get a small "tip" for referring people to buy from their site. But other sites, like I have no affiliation with.