It is officially Summer where we live.
My youngest son, who is now 8 years old,
was eager to get his book club started!
As part of our summer book club-
we are going to be reading a cute series
by Ron Roy, is called The Calendar Club.
Each book is based around a month.
Todays book club is based on the book May Magic.
If you browse around my blog-site you will notice a few things.
1. Hopefully it is not too confusing to navigate.
This is a "blog-site" = 3 blogs (with same template) linked together by buttons
It has some perks and some draw-backs...
But here are a few tips:
*use side bar buttons to find where you want to go
*at the end of each post are "tags" that you can click to narrow your search
* look at our ABC list (under our header) of all the books we've read with our book clubs.
(story times are not included in this list.)
2. There is no set method as to how I set up a book club.
every year I seem to organize it a little different.
It depends on the child.
Some of my sons wanted their book club to be BOYS only!
One son didn't care- he had boy and girl friends.
One son only wanted to read books-based -on- movies.
(That was a fun book club. EASY Peasy to host!)
Sometimes book clubs were held during the school year- when that made more sense.
Now I hold book clubs in the summer.
Some book clubs were twice a month.
Others were once a month.
A few times I have held book clubs- only around school holidays.
Some books clubs were super organized. (Always the first Friday of every month.)
Some book clubs were "fly-by-the-seat of my pants". (Read the book- date/time TBA each time.)
Some book clubs I have each child read the same book.
Other book clubs we each read one book from a series.
Some book clubs I provided all the books.
Some book clubs we all ordered the same set (series) from Scholastics.
My point is- book clubs are flexible!
Hopefully you have seen that- if you have browsed the book club outline posts.
You can create a book club that works for YOU.
Don't want a bunch of rowdy kids at your house?
Meet at the park, or some location that relates to the book you just read.
Don't feel creative enough to come up with activities?
browse this blog and get ideas
or have a movie- book club. (read the book, watch the movie- EASY!)
It's Summer!
Don't let having a summer book club be one of those things that you
could-a and should-a organized.
I am actually feeling pretty lax this summer about book club.
In the past I have held a book club for each of my sons- that was hectic!
This summer I just have one!
It's easy- OH and before I forget...
my sons are all reluctant readers.
They love their book clubs regardless of the fact they hate to read~!